Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Beginning

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Dear baby,
Today is Mommy's and Daddy's 3rd Wedding Anniversary Day. We have you as our special present from God on this special day, amazing isn't it? Mommy is so thankful to God for preparing you and giving you to Mommy and Daddy. You know what, Mommy cried of happiness and joyfulness when Mommy knew that you're already exist inside Mommy's body. This diary will record everything about you from today onwards. Mommy will call you 'baby' temporarily since Mommy has not prepared any name for you now ^^

You are now in Hong Kong and most likely you will be born in Hong Kong too although Mommy and Daddy are both Indonesian Chinese. Let's see where you will be born in.

Baby, even before you were created, Mommy already gave you to God so that God will always protect you and take care of you wherever you are. You are now in Mommy's womb, you should be around 5 weeks old now but Mommy will confirm with the doctor next week. Mommy can't wait to see you next week! :D

Mommy loves you, baby.. even before Mommy sees you.

With love,

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