Saturday, July 31, 2010

Second Ultrasound - 8 Weeks Old

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Dear baby,
Today Mommy and Daddy saw you again for the second time. This time we saw your heartbeat! This was the first miraculous thing that happened to you. Mommy was so happy when the doctor said 'It is much better now, we can see the baby's heartbeat'. You are alive now! Yes, Mommy saw you moving on one spot, your body is still so tiny but your heart beats so hard, that's why your whole tiny body shakes every time your heart beats, isn't that cute? Later you must still remember this; the heartbeat of yours is so precious to Mommy. The precious heartbeat that Mommy has been waiting for and longing for. Mommy never stops thanking God for giving you heart and healthy body.

This is the picture of you.

Now Mommy really can see you! Not only see the black sac, but Mommy can see you! Your length now from head to bottom is 1.23cm. Mommy can see your head and your body.

Doctor said that you are now 8 weeks old, not 7 weeks old. Now your age is correct, your estimated due date will be on March 9th, 2011. Mommy is so happy that you are 1 week older because that means Mommy will see you face to face 1 week earlier ^^

Mommy and Daddy are now trying to search and book for hospital. The regulation in Hong Kong is like that, we should book the bed in hospital as early the baby is 9 weeks old. Mommy will see you again in 4 weeks. Ohh, Mommy feels like buying own ultrasound machine so Mommy can see how you are growing inside anytime. Anyway, see you in 4 weeks, baby! Jesus loves you!

Love you,

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